Saturday, August 13, 2005

Here is our raft taking a class three rapids in the rain. Water was coming from every direction! Joshua is on the left right in front of the guide. I am next to him in the third row. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, August 07, 2005

This is where we put in for our rafting adventure on the French Broad River west of Ashville. Posted by Picasa

Joshua on the Appalachian Trail. Posted by Picasa

We stopped by Bill Graham's conference center for a quick visit. Here is Joshua behind Billy Graham's pulpit. Posted by Picasa

Sunset in the Blue Ridge Mountains. Posted by Picasa

A mother and her cub. Posted by Picasa

I am glad the United States picked the eagle over the turkey when choosing a national bird. Posted by Picasa

Grandfather Mountain has a great nature area where you can view animals in their natural habitat. Posted by Picasa

A thunderstorm began to roll in while we were on the mountain. Posted by Picasa

Joshua on top of Grandfather Mountain. Posted by Picasa

We had to leave Mom at home because she never would have crossed this bridge! Posted by Picasa

The trees take quite a beating at 6000 feet. Posted by Picasa

Good thing Joshua was there to keep the rock from falling! Posted by Picasa

Here is a shot of the mile high swing bridge we got to cross. Posted by Picasa

The zen master getting close to nature. Posted by Picasa

The start of the climb (good thing the road went most of way!). Posted by Picasa

Joshua with Grandfather Mountain in the background. We were getting ready to head up to the top. Posted by Picasa

King of the world! Posted by Picasa

I think this is when Joshua decided the mountains were way cool! What a beautiful view. Posted by Picasa

This is why they are called the Smokeys! Posted by Picasa

Joshua taking in the view from Blowing Rock in the Blue Ridge Mountains. Posted by Picasa

Here is Joshua checking out a building built over a spring. This is where the owners of the cabin kept the things thye needed to keep cool. Not a bad backyard either! Posted by Picasa

The views were incredible! Posted by Picasa

A cabin high up in the mountains of North Carolina. Posted by Picasa

Joshua and Dad spent a day driving from Roanoke, VA to Ashville, NC on the Blue Ridge Parkway. We stopped whenever we saw something interesting. Posted by Picasa